I am not a very good business woman…….

Why do I say that??????


Well besides being notoriously behind in my bookwork and, as an introvert, I don’t get out and promote myself as much as I should, I actually don’t want my clients to continually come back to see me.


OMG did I say that out loud!!!!  


Please Let me explain…………..   I LOVE all of my clients and I would love to see them all more often, but all I WANT IS TO GET MY CLIENTS BETTER.  My passion is to improve their health and to look and feel fantastic and get to a place that they don’t need me anymore.


But as a business woman, I am putting myself out of business by getting people better.  I am passionate about health and that is the only reason that I am in this business.  I really do THRIVE on getting the best out of my clients and helping to educate and heal their health issues.  


Clients come to me with their health issues and helping them to heal is always my aim, NOT to keep having their return business.  Time and money is precious, but our health is even more precious.  


My aim with all of my clients is to give them as much as I can give during their appointments so that they can heal in the least amount of time.


I am a straight - talking Naturopath with only one aim and that is to help everyone that walks in my door to the best of my ability.  I educate, give the appropriate supplements (if needed), help and support your diet and lifestyle modifications.  I don’t “beat around the bush” but I do give you all the information and tools that you will need to help you achieve your health goals.   


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